Next auction Thursday 20th February 2.30PM
Despite challenging market conditions, December auction raises over £2m (67%)

Despite challenging market conditions, December auction raises over £2m (67%)

07 January 2019

The final auction of 2018 saw a busy auction room, but investors were very much reflecting the mood of the wider markets and being cautious over their purchases. Despite these challenging market conditions, Auction Estates recorded sales of £2,030,500 with a 67% success rate (the UK monthly auction index reporting an average of 69% across the UK, significantly down on the previous months trading).

Paul Giles, Head Auctioneer commented “Whilst market conditions remain difficult, the ease and speed of buying and selling at Public Auction remains highly attractive to motivated sellers. Good stock will always trade, provided they are priced to appeal to the market and this showed in our results which are very much in line with the activity being reported across the UK.  Entries are now being invited for our 28th February auction”.